We're sorry, www.emich.edu and other associated websites are currently unavailable.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why am I seeing this page?

You are seeing this page because the server that hosts www.emich.edu, irim.emich.edu, it.emich.edu, etc., is currently unavailable. This is due to either a planned computing system downtime or a computing system outage.

Where do I go to find out the status of EMU computing systems?

For current status of EMU computing systems and additional information, please visit EMU I.T.’s system outage page.

Where do I go for timely updates in the event of a campus emergency occurring during downtimes/outages?

In the event of a campus emergency during downtimes/outages, please visit the offsite Timely Updates page (maintained by the EMU Division of Communications).

How are planned computing system downtimes scheduled?

All planned maintenance for major EMU systems is scheduled in conjunction with the ERP-Business Operations Committee (BOC). The BOC includes representation from various campus units and Faculty Senate. Maintenance dates can be found on the Maintenance Calendar which is published annually in December for the coming calendar year.

Who do I contact with questions about scheduled downtimes?

Please contact the EMU I.T. Help Desk at 734.487.2120 if you have any questions about scheduled computing system downtimes. We appreciate your patience.